Funerary art at Major General Vicente García Municipal Cemetery, Las Tunas.

Major General Vicente García Municipal Cemetery, due to its significant samples of funerary art and its relevance for the history of Las Tunas, constitutes the most important necropolis in the province, and a site of incalculable value for the conservation of past-times memory.

Format designer Elmer Almaguer Paneque

Whenever we used to close together in the then 26 daily, at the end of the 80's of the last century, Elmer Almaguer Paneque and I tried to impose our different position in the way of using the color red with greater sanity; but above all supported by the knowledge we had of design and perhaps fleeing from the norm that existed, very generalized, of the use of red indiscriminately.

High temperatures in the beginning of the summer

Summer arrived in Las Tunas with high temperatures that affect daily life when thermometers show values close to 36 degrees Celsius; brands that, even below the historical average at this stage, represent an intense perception of heat for the locals.

Late journalist Alexis Pérez Sánchez

Thirteen years have passed since the death of Alexis Perez Sanchez (El Gordo), a colleague and friend of the good ones who died suddenly when his professional maturity made him one of the best exponents of the Tunisian journalists; always with his criteria on his shoulder, always polemic.

Rey López, "Hunter of Time."

His name is Rey López, but some call him the Hunter of Time because with his lens he captures moments of people, facts, and events, unique and unrepeatable.