Teaching coverage in the current school period is at 97.4 percent Teaching coverage in the current school period is at 97.4 percent in the province of Las Tunas, a result that ranks among the best in the country.

e75eb2983420be822eb4a68f2eb5d4e3 LLas Tunas, Cuba.- The future teachers, willing to give continuity to the beautiful mission of educating, who constitute the 45th generation of the student vanguard, received the flag from the Directorate of the University.

45th Manuel Ascunce Domenech pedagogical detachment, Las TunasThe youth expressed their commitment to the teaching profession at the ceremony, which paid tribute to the young literacy tutor Manuel Ascunce and his student, the peasant Pedro Lantigua, killed by counterrevolutionary gangs 58 years ago.

estudiantes preThe "Luis Urquiza" sows a lot of affection in those who have passed through his classrooms. Among photos and stories of graduates that are renewed every year, you can discover that kind of common soul that this kind of institutions, which have become treasure of Education in Cuba, create. One of the founding principles of these centers is the deepening of the basic sciences and one of the ways to do it is the preparation for the contests of knowledge.

secundLas Tunas, Cuba.- The representation is made up of teachers of that educational level, Yuniorki Castro Mastrona, from the town of "Amancio"; Yesler Feria Mastrona, from Puerto Padre; Roilan Brooks Suárez, of the main municipality and Misleydi García Osorio, head of that teaching in the Provincial Directorate of Education.

6e81dd38dd1c52ab2dda5d48059d0ed1 LLas Tunas, Cuba.- An event of this 2019 that Las Tunas inhabitants will remember is, without doubt, the external evaluation process experienced last week by the house of high studies, in which an expert committee of the National Accreditation Board (JAN) of the Ministry of Higher Education (MES) analyzed the main indicators of methodological, research and extension work in the last five years, as well as its current status and the main projections aimed at sustaining and overcoming.