Itinerant teacher Elena Pérez Estrada

Elena Pérez Estrada is a winner. It is discovered as soon as you see her and bumps into her direct gaze; that of a determined woman, as she always has been. She has weathered her storms in this life. Perhaps the greatest of all of them came the day when she could not speak.

Students must attend to the TV classes

These days, mainly through social media, many parents have shown their concern about the return to classrooms in the urban area of the city of Las Tunas and all of us, including myself, are anxious to know the exact date.

The Lenin campus of the University serves as an isolation center for the second time.

Taking into account the local epidemiological panorama, several educational institutions in the province of Las Tunas serve as isolation centers, which allows a better response to the increase in positive cases for SARS-CoV-2 and the incidence of the disease.

Maikel Leyva Viamontes, a computer science teacher of the second-grade.

Maikel Leyva Viamontes has been a Computer Science graduate for 17 years. He began his working life as a teacher in Basic Secondary Education, but his responsibilities put him in the Heriberto Cortés School, in Jobabo, his native municipality.

6th Friends of the Revolution National Meeting

With the statement of a student from the People's Republic of the Congo, the 6th Friends of the Revolution National Meeting concluded, which held virtual sessions for two days, due to the epidemiological situation generated by the COVID-19.