Amor Benítez Hernández

In one of the theoretical events of the Cucalambeana Fiesta, the presentation of two books was made by the researcher Amor Benítez Hernández, a specialist on the décima, who came from the capital of the country to present two investigations that every lover of the Cuban culture should know.

Women's Recital of Décima.

Since the fifteenth century, in variants such as the royal couplet and later the spinel, the décima has captivated not a few creators with that magic that is a "pure air prison". Vicente Gómez Martínez Espinel, with his musical virtues, established the structure that would mark the rhymes: "abbaaccddc". And from then on, he flew the "peninsular traveler" until she got native in Cuba. Not for nothing Mirta Aguirre said: "…because she was born first/and our people later."

Essences of Rural Women photo-exhibit

Many people, intellectuals, friends, colleagues, and Las Tunas’ inhabitants..., were missing the first photography exhibition under the signature of Reynaldo López Peña; a sample turned into a demand. The Cucalambeana Fiesta, which takes place in Las Tunas these days, compelled him.

Linnet Molina winner of the Canto Alrededor del Punto national contest of glosses.

Linnet Molina Arias, from Camagüey, emerged as the winner of the Canto alrededor del Punto national contest of glosses, with the work Hablando con un Dios Ajeno (Talking to a Foreign God), as it was released in the Catauro de la Décima (Décima Basket), one of the most liked spaces of the Cucalambeana Fiesta.

National Hall of Landscape, Illustrated Décima and Popular Crafts

The National Hall of Landscape, Illustrated Décima and Popular Crafts, inaugurated within the framework of the Cucalambeana Fiesta, exhibits -in the Provincial Council of Plastic Arts- a multiplicity of works of various styles, themes, and techniques, consolidating itself as a vital space within the revelry. Likewise, landscape exhibitions brighten up other institutions in the city of Las Tunas.