Cooperation agreements were signed between the university and and the Provincial Directorate of Technical and Agricultural Services (Gelma in Spanish), as well as with the Directorate of Justice

The 29th anniversary of the University of Las Tunas (ULT in Spanish) was celebrated on May 15, aware of its leaders and faculty of the promising harvest in professional training and their contribution to local development. These achievements were echoed in the political-cultural gala that crowned the celebration program for the date.

6th International Forum of Oratory.

The 6th International Forum of Oratory “Pensamiento Martiano y Latinoamericano” (Martí's and Latin American Thought) opened its doors in Las Tunas with participants from Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Russia, and Cuba.

Physics contestant Anisbeth Vidal

When Anisbeth arrived at the Luis Urquiza Jorge Vocational Pre-University Institute of Exact Sciences and decided to compete in the Physics subject, she met some incredulous people.

The signing of several agreements and the conclusion of letters of intent with different universities around the world are also highlighted.

The presence of the University of Las Tunas (ULT in Spanish) in the sessions of the 14th International Congress on Higher Education 2024, recently held in the Cuban capital, had a positive outcome.

Héctor and Melissa, in love with each other and chemistry

They tell me that they have been together for a year and seven months, with that conviction that young love has to count the days, celebrate months, and give roses, as he does, as tangible proof of what a daily conquest is.